About Me

The Unknown Path, United States
"Deacon" means servant, and if this blog could be a true and humble servant to the artists who participate, and the instrument it celebrates, then mission accomplished. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant..."

November 19, 2004

Random poetry written a month before I got married, just found

Do I stand at the time for love
Or does a lover need to stand
For is not love in truest self
Found in the bleeding heart of broken hands

How shall a man stand for love
When love would beg him to crawl
How shall a man climb with new wings in flight
When soon wings fail and he finds new fall

Ah, but a man shall not stand for love
When love does beckon quick
And though he seems out of sorts with pride
He's unprepared, yet still equiped

A man should stand for many things
Upon cornerstones he shall rest
But when man is overtaken by love
He'll soon rise and stand his best


November 13, 2004

Alpha post


It seemed like a season of appropriate nature has come. Mad though it may be, I have begun a blog. Midnight Wine is an important concept to me, and I figure that maybe it might be an important concept to some of you as well.

You just don't happen to know it yet.

Midnight Wine is, in a lot of individually symbolic moments, a matter of expressing, and thusly confronting and maintaining a sane amount of control over, your conscience. I tend to overemphasize my defeats and drudgeries as a poor man covets his wanton lacking: it seems that's all he has to cherish.

So, after about three years of hard work, I finally finished the composition that I would call "Midnight Wine". It starts as a blues in A minor, my favorite key, and then hits a huge chorus as you circle the fifths in C, relatively also my favorite key.

But enough of this. The words I shall not reprint here for myriad reasons, but I do wish to post the third and final chorus. It sums up much of my life's philosophy at this moment:

"Tastes so fine
Break the bread and spill the Wine
In the conscience of time
Today's tommorow, as yesterday's defined"

I'm proud of this concept, as it's something worth living for, and it was expressed from the deepest heart of my being. So many times my conscience, or guilt from said Wine, has overriden my sense of life and love. Even though today will be considered yesterday tommorow, it seems insurmountable in the context of the here and now. But that's not the stone truth. Life is not only today, but tommrow as well. If yesterday informs today, then today will surely inform tommorow. Why let negativity influence the possibility of joy in your future. Break that bread and spill the WIne. Life remains imperfect, yet still we clutch for more.

I'm tired, but I am glad that I've started this. Not my best start, but the wheel is rolling. That's enough somedays. Peace, God bless, and I'll leave you with a stanza for which you can enjoy at no cost. Copywritten of course. Now if I only had that FBI Anti-piracy logo....Blessed days, may they lie in wait.

If I rise another day
It shall not be the first
And though my burdens rise as well
This day shall know no curse
Alpha days remain unknown
Alpha home remains unseen
Unfettered fruits of seeds long sown
Bore the Wine of Midnight Dreams

Take it easy brothers and sisters.