About Me

The Unknown Path, United States
"Deacon" means servant, and if this blog could be a true and humble servant to the artists who participate, and the instrument it celebrates, then mission accomplished. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant..."

January 27, 2009

Psychic Snacks from YouTube

The Happiest of New Years to everyone and welcome to another Midnight Wine blog! Great things happening behind the scenes, albeit not without stresses, frustrations, and obstacles to overcome. You know what they say, no pain no gain. But we also like to add, yes pain YES GAIN! After hunkering down in a state of both exterior and interior wintertime, my wife and I are eager to reconnect with many folks we've missed during our self-imposed hiatus from our usual "out-and-about" life. Here are some "psychic snacks" -- be cheered by them as we have been! I swear on my chicken caesar salad and M&M's, more blogging is coming here at the Midnight Wine blog, so don't give up on me...

Bettye Lavette at the Inauguration
Derek and Susan at the Inauguration
Tom Jones/Jeff Beck (Because of this clip, Tom is my wife's new blues crush!)