About Me

The Unknown Path, United States
"Deacon" means servant, and if this blog could be a true and humble servant to the artists who participate, and the instrument it celebrates, then mission accomplished. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant..."

March 19, 2009

Duane Allman, Berry Oakley, and Natasha Richardson

My wife was a big fan of the now deceased Ms. Richardson, and we both love her husband, so first of all, blessings to her family in this very hard time. But here's the thought I've been having.

Both Duane and Berry, if I remember correctly, turned down medical attention after their bike accidents. How different would their world, and now the Redgrave and Neeson families' worlds be, if people would just quit being so damn proud and get examined.

I liked this woman's movies, the couple I'd seen, and I obviously love Duane and Berry. Cautionary tales are of no good if we don't pay attention, brothers and sisters...

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