About Me

The Unknown Path, United States
"Deacon" means servant, and if this blog could be a true and humble servant to the artists who participate, and the instrument it celebrates, then mission accomplished. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant..."

April 28, 2008


Update on the SW of last week. Here you go...
Had the in-depth talks concerning this exciting new mystery project. I believe something beautiful is about to be birthed upon the world. I wish I could say more, but I believe that if this deal gets sealed, this project might just cause a stir or two. More to come...stay tuned!
More to say on later days. 'Til then...

Beware the Storm that catches Surprise
When Surprise stands staring in Warning's eyes

April 24, 2008


Update...get it? Oh, shut up....

I like using visual cues for blog titles because it helps one to navigate better. The "^D8" symbol refers to updates concerning this blog or subject matter I feel is closely tied to it. Again, as with "STORMWARNINGS", there will be no "..." in the title, and I will type the pertinent info in italics so you can further visually differentiate between banal ramblings and anal self-importance. 'Cause I know you care that I updated my blog. Really... ;-)

Started teaching myself the basics of HTML coding today, simply so I could post some links using one of these "classic templates." Hope you like it. If I linked to you in someway, repaid favors are as sweet a dessert as any known. Please check out the links, as it's another way of seeing this blog's stated mission bear fruit. Peace.

April 23, 2008


Another facet of the MW diamond is unveiled to you all...

STORMWARNINGS are, or will be, quick, sneak-peaks at upcoming possibilities that Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures and it's various branches might bring forth into existence. Details will be scarce, but I figure if you are kind enough to read the ol' blog, then I could give you something to get excited about. Stormwarnings will be my coded title for such posts. The text of highest interest will be in italics to differentiate from the normal banal ramblings you seem to gladly suffer. Hah! Also, there will be no "..." in the title. That marking is reserved for shared treasures and discoveries, not the potential and unsure.
Interesting discussion in the last 7 days, but specifically the last 24 hours. Concerning a potential new media excursion for the Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures folks. Involves a medium that is gaining respect though it has a revered if misunderstood history. This project could also potentially mean a tremendous step forward in how we can serve artists of all shapes and shades [remember that term for some reason]. I will be having some hopefully extended conversations on it this weekend, so stay tuned. I am so deeply excited by this possibility that it's hard for me to keep it grounded for now. But if this is to have full life, then it must learn to walk before it can run.

Beware the Storm that catches Surprise
When Surprise stands staring in Warning's eyes

April 21, 2008

...Midnight Wine, the band

From previous posts, you might have gathered that there is a band that shares names with this blog. I thought I might take this opportunity to shine this facet of the diamond known as "Midnight Wine"

First, this is the (albeit edited and "fixed) biography I wrote and submitted for the band's recent debut performance [see blog "...the 2008 Iowa Blues Challenge"]

MIDNIGHT WINE - A biography

“Midnight Wine” is an old feeling for the Deacon. It’s also a new musical group, formed to celebrate the chemistry and passion he has shared over the last few years with the three dear friends who round out the project. But what is Midnight Wine?

“Midnight Wine started as just a feeling of sorts, and as I matured through school and college, I had a lot of experiences that served to instruct me in the way this world works. I found great mentors who taught me how to teach myself; I read, saw, witnessed and experienced many great moments in life that helped to build a strong and vital spirit within. And over the last four years of my life, I have been incredibly blessed to create art with many great people, literally legends and giants who walk among us. These are the people who have shown me the deepest meaning of music and art. That’s the soul of the blues and every great form of music, and that’s what I want to live to celebrate everyday I’m blessed to walk this earth.”

Joining Deacon in the good times are pianist/organist David Larson, bassist/multi-instrumentalist Joe Koelling, and drummer/percussionist Mike Woods. “I met David in the summer of 2004 and we became friends right away. We shared a mutual appreciation for music and we had the chance to perform together several times that summer. David is one of those rare talents who transcend the genres and borders that others put in front of him, and just simply serves the song in a beautiful way. He is one of the most versatile, passionate and deep-rooted musicians I know.”

Deacon also met Koelling that same summer, and like-wise, was impressed by the sheer musicianship he saw. “I sat in for some rehearsals at Great Plains Studios, which Joe owned and operated at the time. When Lady Blue, the band my wife and I formed, went to record a CD in the fall of 2006, we reconnected with Joe and, again, there was a deep appreciation and trust between us. He is such a complete, multi-talented artist, and my eyes were opened to what one musician can bring out in someone when given the chance.”

The last piece of the puzzle came in the person of Mike Woods, a drummer of immense talent and incredible humility. Woods and Deacon were introduced by Koelling at Kaleidoscope Sonic Lab Recording Studios in Urbandale, of which Koelling and Deacon are both partner-owners. “Joe had been talking non-stop about this insane drummer who was coming into sessions and just knocking everyone over on the first take. Being that Joe wasn’t easily impressed by anything, I checked out Mike for myself. It was over. He truly possesses every trait you could want in a drummer and fellow musician. He acts and performs like the contest champion he is. Chops and taste that don’t run out, and that’s just the start.”

But what is Midnight Wine and what connection does it have to the Blues? “Midnight Wine is my symbol for the life I’ve made for myself. It’s the heartache, it’s the joys, it’s the consequences of every bad choice I’ve made and the blessings of every right choice I’ve chosen. It’s my heart and soul, and it’s what drives me to be the best I can be and treat this world with love and gratitude. And if that has nothing to do with the blues, then we all should just give up now, ‘cause we’re all done for.”

A fair introduction to the band, but only if there would be more to say- and there is. I look forward to delving into the three musicians that occupy this specific group with yours truly, as well as getting into the psyche and genesis of the whole "MW" concept that is spawning all of this.

In closing, posting these small but significant pieces of my own puzzle is helping me to find clear focus on several fronts for the first time in a long while. I think often of a famous Jimmy Page quote, given in retrospection of Led Zeppelin's legacy and his vision. He envisioned Zeppelin as a multi-faceted diamond, through which all their myriad influences could shine as well as be recast as something beautifully new. It would sound both soft and hard, light and heavy. From time to time , it seems he, no they, were the visionaries of their time who brought these elements together and summoned forth this deep greatness that so many of their peers, as well as mine, rob and thieve without consideration of birthrights.

My partners and I are working with similar spirit; whether it's honoring the blues both outside ourselves as well as within each other through MW the band, or the partnership that oversees Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures crafting new ways of approaching their motto: "the art of our business is art." We live in exciting times that call for steadfast dedication to true visionary mindsets as well as to possess a loyal sense of integrity to honor the deep wellspring from which this all flows.

Consider perspective: whether it is one band changing one life one song at a time, or one small group of determined people not surrendering to the imposing tide of this world's debilitating apathy, just remember this quote, and maybe we'll catch you on the flip side...

To Journey without being Changed is to be a nomad,
To Change without Journeying is to be a chameleon,
To Journey and be Transformed is to be a Pilgrim.
(Mark Nepo, philosopher, poet, author).
Several things to check out from this blog. I learned of the Nepo quote from Dick Staub's excellent "Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Knight", but Nepo's quote is proof-positive that his writing is worth further investigation. I should not have to encourage one's need to discover (or rediscover if the flame burns low) the wonder and majesty of Led Zeppelin's catalog. Some of the greatest musical art ever committed to tape. Of course, if you would like to fancy crafting your own wonder and majesty to tape and need assistance, Midnight Wine, as part of the Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures can more than assist you in the process. This blog is part of a whole inter-connected series of blogs that will be launched on a more grand scale very soon!

April 18, 2008

...The Watchmen

There was a point in my childhood when I consciously recognized a choice, a crossroads of sorts, was forming in the not-so-far horizon. Upon meeting that crossroads, I chose and lived.

You wonder, perhaps; 'what does this guy think he’s writing about?'

I am referring to a time in my young adulthood when I chose to not try as hard; to not work so hard, to not strive as hard. It’s as if I made the choice to simply "get along" with my fellow mankind and not compete against it. For a person who speaks as eloquently of Sun Tzu as I "try", I believed that even samurai wanted to retire some day. That men of war wanted to become men of peace some day. At the point of this choice, I felt brilliant but removed; life was to take it's own pace and I would not incur its turbulence.

Of course, I didn't frame it that way then. But I am sitting here today, wondering if I had chosen the polar opposite of my current path. Would I be more financially secure? Would I be more...period? Maybe you're wondering what this has to do with the literary genius of Alan Moore.

It's cause Alan Moore, and his brilliant "The Watchmen" represents an author, but more a work, that distinctly speaks to me. In fact, the conversation was so deep between me and the piece that I can't even find a way to give summation to my thoughts, finding my current level of communication simply inept to posit something of merit in its honor. Instead, like its author, I'll take a different approach than the standard "review."

For those not in the know, I am part of Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures and Sonic Lab Recording Studios. Sorry for the ad, but conjure the iconography of a kaleidoscope, the central theme of my life and the lives of my partners right now. Now, transform, slowly and carefully if you must, that entire system of interconnectedness and complexity into a medium where words meld with graphics to form the riveting revolution before your very eyes. Meditating on this, you realize that this work you've just experienced has clearly articulated a set of your own beliefs at such a profound level, that you just can't imagine that someone else crafted this but yourself.

That's what I feel, that is could be another crossroads in my continuum, to use a word I absorbed through comicdom. Not to become pretentious in trying to become smarter. Not to become self-absorbed in trying to become clever. And it also can't be a genesis moment. April 10 of this past week was a "genesis/debut" moment [see blog titled "...the 2008 Iowa Blues Challenge"].

This is more of a call to arms, to try and give my feelings a formal context or reference point. Not necessarily to believe in his ideals (I know enough about Mr. Moore to know that we don't agree on everything. But I respect him and can agree to disagree). This call to arms would be to become the honest conduit for the greatness within. To study at the same intensity I laze. To stop the obscuring functions of the mind and heart so that I can fully realize the truth around me. To hear what is truly being said. To see what is truly being displayed. To honestly recognize the sheer magnitude of what creates me, surrounds me, and the grace inherent.

In this time of building Kaleidoscope, I find myself lost in the scope of it. I let myself become confused as to what to do and how to do it. I focus on a perceived lack of focus. I feel like it's slowly unraveling the patchwork that takes so much life-force to create. But, I will grant myself this one caveat. If there is one who can be influenced, and in turn influence, than hope not only exists but is waiting for me to stop obscuring it. It is like Grace: Inherent, but not always apparent.


Please do yourself a favor and learn more about Alan Moore and his body of work, including the Watchmen. Alan will be the subject of future blogs as I develop my knowledge of his life and his work.

Dig in deep and you'll find what to keep.

...the 2008 Iowa Blues Challenge

A week or so ago, I had the personal joy and pleasure of participating in, and actually kicking off, the 2008 Iowa Blues Challenges. I wanted to share some of what made that night so special for me.

First of all, the three gentlemen I was blessed to perform with bring so much greatness to my life that I almost can't stand it! They are fine musicians because they are fine people.They are three extra brothers I never had, being thankful for the one I do! So moutains of thanks are due to pianist/keyboardist David Larson, bassist Joe Koelling, and drummer Mike Woods. Outstanding job!

To my own cause, I finally caved in a lot of walls in my life by just throwing myself in the fire; the event marked several debuts and speial moments:

1. Midnight Wine's first ever live performance (after only three practices!).

2. My debut singing lead.

3. My debut as a band leader.

4. 4 songs I've never performed live

5. 5 brand new "wicked cool" arrangements, as my friend Andy Anderson would exclaim

6. 2 brand new compositions: "Ready to Roll" kicked things off, and I wrote and arranged it as an homage to the great blues musicians and composers of the past, present, and future; and "1929", a more topical trad blues in the vein of Tin Pan Alley/Peidmont blues about how things today aren't so different than the past.

7. I bit the big one and learned "The Messiah Will Come Again" by one of my big heroes, Roy Buchanan. I dedicated it to a guy who always welcomed me into the blues as I am, not expecting me to change. He ribbed me outside about dropping names, but the spirit of what I did was, again, to honor those who came before. Not dropping names, but raising tribute.Two very different mindsets my friend!

I believe this last point was really the focus of my night, and what made it special the most. I didn't perform that night to win some prize (the winner at the finals will represent Iowa in Memphis at the International Blues Challenge); that would have been great, but not why I put all this together.

This was one small way of me paying back my debt as an artist and musician to all the people who have built me up over the years. There are so many people out there who tear each other down, and I regret the times when I've done the tearing myself. But I made up my mind long ago on this one perfect fact:

The measure of a man is what he builds, not what he destroys.

What a thrill on all accounts.It went by too fast to be scared, to soundcheck, to do anything but just plug in, step up, and blow! It will be interesting to check out the recording my good friend Doobie Dawg made (great guy, great musician--see, there's a theme!). Anyway....this is probably too long, but I want to personally thank all those who took time and shared kind words after I was done sweatin' bullets up there. I remember who you are and it shall not be forgotten!

Note for contextual purposes--- This is a repost of a MySpace bulletin I sent out to my friends the morning after the event. Might make more sense in that context.