About Me

The Unknown Path, United States
"Deacon" means servant, and if this blog could be a true and humble servant to the artists who participate, and the instrument it celebrates, then mission accomplished. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant..."

April 18, 2008

...the 2008 Iowa Blues Challenge

A week or so ago, I had the personal joy and pleasure of participating in, and actually kicking off, the 2008 Iowa Blues Challenges. I wanted to share some of what made that night so special for me.

First of all, the three gentlemen I was blessed to perform with bring so much greatness to my life that I almost can't stand it! They are fine musicians because they are fine people.They are three extra brothers I never had, being thankful for the one I do! So moutains of thanks are due to pianist/keyboardist David Larson, bassist Joe Koelling, and drummer Mike Woods. Outstanding job!

To my own cause, I finally caved in a lot of walls in my life by just throwing myself in the fire; the event marked several debuts and speial moments:

1. Midnight Wine's first ever live performance (after only three practices!).

2. My debut singing lead.

3. My debut as a band leader.

4. 4 songs I've never performed live

5. 5 brand new "wicked cool" arrangements, as my friend Andy Anderson would exclaim

6. 2 brand new compositions: "Ready to Roll" kicked things off, and I wrote and arranged it as an homage to the great blues musicians and composers of the past, present, and future; and "1929", a more topical trad blues in the vein of Tin Pan Alley/Peidmont blues about how things today aren't so different than the past.

7. I bit the big one and learned "The Messiah Will Come Again" by one of my big heroes, Roy Buchanan. I dedicated it to a guy who always welcomed me into the blues as I am, not expecting me to change. He ribbed me outside about dropping names, but the spirit of what I did was, again, to honor those who came before. Not dropping names, but raising tribute.Two very different mindsets my friend!

I believe this last point was really the focus of my night, and what made it special the most. I didn't perform that night to win some prize (the winner at the finals will represent Iowa in Memphis at the International Blues Challenge); that would have been great, but not why I put all this together.

This was one small way of me paying back my debt as an artist and musician to all the people who have built me up over the years. There are so many people out there who tear each other down, and I regret the times when I've done the tearing myself. But I made up my mind long ago on this one perfect fact:

The measure of a man is what he builds, not what he destroys.

What a thrill on all accounts.It went by too fast to be scared, to soundcheck, to do anything but just plug in, step up, and blow! It will be interesting to check out the recording my good friend Doobie Dawg made (great guy, great musician--see, there's a theme!). Anyway....this is probably too long, but I want to personally thank all those who took time and shared kind words after I was done sweatin' bullets up there. I remember who you are and it shall not be forgotten!

Note for contextual purposes--- This is a repost of a MySpace bulletin I sent out to my friends the morning after the event. Might make more sense in that context.

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