About Me

The Unknown Path, United States
"Deacon" means servant, and if this blog could be a true and humble servant to the artists who participate, and the instrument it celebrates, then mission accomplished. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant..."

April 23, 2008


Another facet of the MW diamond is unveiled to you all...

STORMWARNINGS are, or will be, quick, sneak-peaks at upcoming possibilities that Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures and it's various branches might bring forth into existence. Details will be scarce, but I figure if you are kind enough to read the ol' blog, then I could give you something to get excited about. Stormwarnings will be my coded title for such posts. The text of highest interest will be in italics to differentiate from the normal banal ramblings you seem to gladly suffer. Hah! Also, there will be no "..." in the title. That marking is reserved for shared treasures and discoveries, not the potential and unsure.
Interesting discussion in the last 7 days, but specifically the last 24 hours. Concerning a potential new media excursion for the Kaleidoscope CreatiVEntures folks. Involves a medium that is gaining respect though it has a revered if misunderstood history. This project could also potentially mean a tremendous step forward in how we can serve artists of all shapes and shades [remember that term for some reason]. I will be having some hopefully extended conversations on it this weekend, so stay tuned. I am so deeply excited by this possibility that it's hard for me to keep it grounded for now. But if this is to have full life, then it must learn to walk before it can run.

Beware the Storm that catches Surprise
When Surprise stands staring in Warning's eyes

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